If you book 10 rs profits where you should have booked 100 rs profits, then you are at risk. Reason you might take a trade with 10 rs stop loss which might hit and you might loose what you earned. So, once you are in profits in a trade, do not attempt to book your profits early. You might feel that you might loose this money too. Okay, agreed. But even if you loose in this one, if your success ratio is good, there are bright chances that you enter a trade whose complete targets are met. So, earn 100, loose 10. If you make 10, loose 10, you are wasting your time.
Time Frame:
If you have taken for short term, then stick to the fact that you have taken for short term. If the stop loss hits and you don’t exit, you see the prices crashing. In 90% cases, people start saying that we had bought it for positional trade! Don’t fool yourself and exit when stop loss hits. Exit then and buy at more dips. Even if you have bought it for positional, the rates go down as stop loss is support level while trading long.
Invest the profits:
Generate capital by trading, and Appreciate the generated capital by investing. Always invest your generated capital in any stock and forget for sometime. This will keep your capital away from risks, and shall secure it from being wasted. You will end up generating a huge capital for yourself.